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OTK Tangential A-ax...
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OTK Tangential A-axis configuration on UCCNC

2 Beiträge
1 Benutzer
3,576 Ansichten
Manu FernandesVillela
Beiträge: 10
Active Member

hi everybody.
I've a question how to configure the 'homing' sequence to have the a axis / tangential knife correctly parallel with x-axis.
when I perform homing, the a-axis turn at 11h (o'clock representation)

but UCCNC show a 3h (o'clock representation) which is the desired effect to be parallel to x-axis

I want to configure uccnc ? macro ? offsets ? to turn the a-axis +220 and then have the good a-axis orientation

is anyone have any idea how to do it ?
with kind regards.


Veröffentlicht : 15/02/2020 5:45 pm
Manu FernandesVillela
Beiträge: 10
Active Member

hi all,

for share, I finally setup the OTK and good blade orientation.

I use UCCNC 1.211x and I must define the screenset to default because the stepcraft's one is out-of-date.
How to use stepcraft machine profiles with default screenset ?
edit with notpad.exe
set the mainscreenfilename=Defaultscreenset (2sd line)
save and start uccnc with the stepcraft profile.

Configuration/Aaxis with Tangentials options.

I setup the back-off to put the blade paralel to Xaxis, ready to cut.


ps : a release 1.2113 is on the way, some bug solved.


Veröffentlicht : 22/02/2020 8:27 pm