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Does UCCNC works wi...
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Does UCCNC works with UNCX01.P12 as G-code input ?

1 Beiträge
1 Benutzer
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Does UCCNC works with UNCX01.P12 as G-code input file ?


I would like to use Creo Parametric 2 as CAD software and Creo Manufacturing to generate the G-code file to drive the Stepcraft milling machine with UCCNC.
In the Post-Processor list, the UNCX01.P12 can generate G-codes for three axes milling machine.

Here is a very simple G-code file (with UNCX01.P12 post-processor) to mill a square (10x10mm outside dimensions with end tool Ø3.2mm, 0.5mm depth, with reference in the center of the square) :

N5 G71
N10 ( / MFGCAD)
N15 G0 G17 G99
N20 G90 G94
N25 G0 G49
N30 T1 M06
N35 S6500 M03
N40 G0 G43 Z25. H1
N45 X-3.4 Y-3.4
N50 Z10.
N55 G1 Z-.5 F1500.
N60 X3.4
N65 Y3.4
N70 X-3.4
N75 Y-3.4
N80 Z25.
N85 M30

Some G-codes are not supported by UCCNC : G71, G94 ; I can perhaps modify the corresponding lines ?

Do you think it can be used with some text adaptations (I would like to check this before ordering the machine) ?

Thank you for sharing your experience.

Best regards,

Veröffentlicht : 19/02/2017 7:24 pm