Stepcraftscreenset.ssf file fails to load on S840
I've tried and failed to make my UCCNC software recognise the Stepcraftscreenset.ssf that was supplied with the STEPCRAFT_SPECIFIC cd-1.1019 that I obtained from Rory at Stoney CNC. He's been great BTW and responded very promptly to all my enquiries. I get "Screen build error:stepcraftscreenset".
Under cd-1.1019/software/stepcraft/contents/Screensetfile is the aforementioned Stepcraftscreenset.ssf file.
I note sc420user has reported this on the forum and there are a few threads that discuss this topic. DocBrown offered a copy of and this 'sort of works'. But on many pages the locations of the buttons are in the wrong place for the S840 profile that I'm running.
It's a weekend coming up and I'm sure Rory wants time away from answering support questions, so I thought I would pose the question to you guys in the forum.
Any ideas on solving this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Audiolinear,
If I read your post correctly, it would seem that you are working with a revision of UCCNC that is now well outdated. The latest revision is 1.2029, and can be downloaded from the CNCdrive website ( Download "UCCNC software installer" and install in a separate folder (UCCNC2) so that you will initially have both revisions available.
Copy your license file to the UCCNC2 folder, and your S840 profile into the "Profiles" folder.
In the "Screens" folder you should find a file "Defaultscreenset.ssf", this file should be referenced in the S840 profile as in the following extract:-
mainscreenfilename=Defaultscreenset <<<<<<<EDIT here and save
If not then edit the S840 profile to do so.
In addition, if you have a profile named in your "Profiles" folder, this should also contain a folder "Macro_S840" into which the macro files from the original "Macro_Default" folder should be copied. (Simply copy "Macro_Default" and rename the copy as Macro_S840 or whatever your profile filename is ("S840" in your case)
This should enable you to run UCCNC with your UC100, although it will still be using the default profile and macro set at this time.
On rhe UCCNC/RUN screen, bottom right, will be the profile currently in use - initially this will be "Default". Navigate to the CONFIGURATION/PROFILES screen where both the original "Default" and your "S840" should be listed.
Click to highlight your "S840" profile followed by the "Load profile" and "Save settings" buttons. The "RUN" screen should now be showing your "S840" profile.
Hopefully this should sort out your screen problem, but now the UCCNC logo will be displayed rather than the Stepcraft logo. If I have made any errors in the above sequence, then nothing is lost because it will not have overwritten any of your original files.
I'm sure some more knowledgeable will point out any errors in the above. B)
At least you will be running the latest software - changing the logo requires a bit more creative editing!!
SC 420/2, Industrial VFD spindle from StoneyCNC
Cut2D, Autosketch10, Draftsight, Eagle 9.5.1
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