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UCCNC will NOT Impo...
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UCCNC will NOT Import .dxf file

7 Beiträge
4 Benutzer
9,248 Ansichten
Beiträge: 70
Estimable Member

Suspect I was given an old version of UCCNC, as it will not import a (known good) .dxf file. I realize I can get GCode directly into the program, but should not have to deal with a separate ".dxf to GCode Converter". The .dxf files imported into VCarve Pro look good in 3d, but don't see a way to get those files into UCCNC. Perhaps another annoyance (known bug) - slipping back into demo mode EVERY time a limit switch is reached will go away after getting a recent version.

Veröffentlicht : 02/01/2017 8:04 pm
Beiträge: 506
Honorable Member

I tried with some dxf files from the past made with QCAD. Some will work, some not...

The first one works, the second one gives a failure message "The files does not seems to be a valid ACAD DXF file".

But I would never use the CAM modul from UCCNC. It is very basic...
I'm using ESTLCAM. It is for free but after some times usage it starts very slow. But you can try it: ESTLCAM
After starting click on "Einstellungen", "Grundeinstellungen", "Bevorzugte Sprache" and change to English.
If you like it it can be purchased. Updates are delivered frequently.

You can always download the latest version of UCCNC from here: UCCNC

Viele Grüße

V2/420 China 800W wassergekühlt

Veröffentlicht : 02/01/2017 9:59 pm
Beiträge: 992
Noble Member

... the second one gives a failure message "The files does not seems to be a valid ACAD DXF file".

Maybe it helps to save the file in an older dxf format - somewhat like R15 instead of R27. Just an idea ...

It's not only about tools it's also about skills! 😉

Veröffentlicht : 02/01/2017 10:53 pm
Beiträge: 70
Estimable Member

DocBrown and Worldhusky: Good suggestions, both of you. Another possible prob is that UCCNC will NOT import .dxf when it has gone off into Demo Mode (which it does frequently). Going to give the Estlcam a try, though my German is nonexistent! I have been looking for good .dxf to GCode translators and going to try a few. I really like Inkscape as a vector design tool, but the GCode generator works sometimes, then with another version works not at all. Forgive me for not checking the forum often enough, this old coot is getting less able to multi-task.

Veröffentlicht : 02/01/2017 11:32 pm
Thomas Semmler
Beiträge: 1091
Noble Member

No Problem,you can Switch ESTLCam to English, just go to "Einstellungen" -> "Bevorzugte Sprache" and Switch to English.


Produktevangelist 🙂

Es grüßt mit der Ihm gegebenen Freundlichkeit...

...der Thomas

Veröffentlicht : 03/01/2017 1:11 pm
Beiträge: 70
Estimable Member

ThomasDBg: You didn't mention how inexpensive ESTLCam is. I was so impressesed I purchased it straightaway and the registration arrived from Christian while I slept.
Since your machine setup is the same as mine (ST2-600, 500w spindel), would it be possible (and this is asking a LOT) to send your configuration via an email attachment? This would save me, Mr. Very Newbie, the hassle of trying to figure out all the pin settings. If not doable, or too much to ask, I understand. Thanks. my email: [email protected]

Veröffentlicht : 03/01/2017 7:02 pm
Beiträge: 70
Estimable Member

YAY!! Finally got UCCNC to import a simple star .dxf. All I can say is thanks for the helpful hints. Can't really say what the problem(s) may have been, probably combinations of old/new pieces of the software. After starting from scratch with the latest version ( and using latest version of Screensetinst, can now use my favorite 2D CAD (CorelDraw) and use that .dxf in UCCNC. I would prefer to use ESTLCam, as ThomasDBG suggested, but it will be a little while before I can understand how to configure it for the UC-100. Again ... thanks all.

Veröffentlicht : 04/01/2017 10:23 pm