Some issues with li...
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Some issues with limits

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5,713 Ansichten
Beiträge: 253
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I have some issues with limits. I wonder if somebody can quickly spot what might be wrong.

I double checked all axes wiring into the board, the specific Stepcraft 2/840 machine profile is loaded as required.

- In the diagnostics panel (see attached image), all three X limit -, Y limit -, Z limit - green inputs and all three X home, Y home Z home limits are permanently lit. I have disabled the soft limits to move the machine manually as expected but these limit conditions are stopping me doing anything unless the Override Limits button is used. I don't think that this is correct.

- A separate issue is that all the axes move in the wrong direction when homing. I corrected this by changing the Direction Positive checkboxes but I'm not sure why this is necessary if the profile is correct? If I then try homing with the Override Limits still active, then all three axes crash and continue to drive into the end stops, as expected...

If I toggle the limit switches on all three axes, there is no change to the LED statuses.



Stepcraft 2/840, StoneyCNC industrial HF spindle, 4th axis, TurboCAD 2016 Professional 64 bit, MeshCAM, GWizard feeds & speeds calculator, UCCNC
Hobby use: guitar building (luthiery),

Veröffentlicht : 27/10/2016 10:08 pm
Beiträge: 253
Reputable Member

So I removed the UC100 motion controller from the machine to see what inputs are lit when the machine is not connected. I still see the same limits made that were stopping me before. Confused.

All three X limit -, Y limit -, Z limit - green inputs and all three X home, Y home Z home limits are still permanently lit. At least this gives me some hope that the issue is related to the software configuration, not the machine...

Stepcraft 2/840, StoneyCNC industrial HF spindle, 4th axis, TurboCAD 2016 Professional 64 bit, MeshCAM, GWizard feeds & speeds calculator, UCCNC
Hobby use: guitar building (luthiery),

Veröffentlicht : 28/10/2016 12:17 pm
Beiträge: 253
Reputable Member

It seems that the problem is with either X or Z or both limit switches. Annoyingly, activation of one limit switch to open circuit/off initiates ALL THREE hard limits.

When I linked out the XZ, they all cleared and allowed the Y to be toggled which is when I saw all three limits being active.

Toggling the Z limit changed from open circuit to about 1.4 kOhm circuit resistance intermittently; toggling X had no effect.

I am going to leave XZ linked out to still have the benefit of the Y limit switch rather than disassemble a machine which is working well mechanically but it looks like I will have to home the machine manually.

Thanks again to Rory who supplemented my meagre C&I diagnostic skills. He commented:

"Bad news that it’s the limits.

Good news that it’s not the control card / UC100 / UCCNC.

Honestly – don’t worry about fixing it.

The limits are largely not useful….

Run without them…

Simply go to

Axis setup
Each axis
Set the limit pins and ports to 0
Click in the white box – enter 0
Apply + save
Then they will go away.

Unless you’re doing offsets and fixture positioning etc… just zero her up over work and away you go"

Stepcraft 2/840, StoneyCNC industrial HF spindle, 4th axis, TurboCAD 2016 Professional 64 bit, MeshCAM, GWizard feeds & speeds calculator, UCCNC
Hobby use: guitar building (luthiery),

Veröffentlicht : 28/10/2016 4:06 pm