Inconsistent stop of manual jogging
So someone stole my computer and i had no back-up (stupid me). This im telling because i know my stepcraft works.
Only after a brand new install i cant get it to the right position. When i manually jog half way it stops (every time on a different spot), it does nothing.
When i restart i can jog further... Does any one know?
Which software?
Uccnc with cut 2d
Is the position DRO of the axis still counting after the axis stopped and you keep pressing the jog button?
If it does then it is not software but mechanical issue, your axis is stuck, the motor can't move the axis.
No, it isn't counting. But I also don't think it is stuck because when I restart my computer I can go further from that point.
Do you have the problem on all axis?
I have the same problem with the y-axis. It is the softlimit that stops the machine.
Try starting the program, press home all, exit the software, restart it and press home all again. That works for me. If it is not in the home all position when I start the software, the softlimit for the y-axis is set wrong.
Or switch off the softlimit in the config tab, but be careful not to jog over the limits.
It is with all axles. Homing jogging again solves the problem from where I'm stuck, but then it gets stuck on another point. I don't think it is the soft limit because I can start a job from there and it works perfect.
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