UCCNC UI rendering issues
Hi guys,
I am currently running UCCNC on windows 10 using parallels on my 13"macbook pro. I am having several UI issues, often times I can barely read the menu options. Has anyone seen something similar? I have changes several resolution related options with no success.
I have attached 3 screenshots of my issues.
Augusto Pedroza
I have got the same problem, during the time that a job is running, some buttons look like they are compressed or so, it happens mostly after the left side with the three triangles is shrinking back into it's docking position.
I am not a software genius, so any tips are welcome!
I got a message from the developers:
"It seems to me an OpenGL issue, like a VRAM memory corruption (e.g. too low video memory) or something about how the parallel emulator tries to talk to the videocard in the opengl language.
Unfortuantely we support only Windows operating systems running on computers with architectures designed to run Windows, in other words we do not support our software to run in emulated environments,
because we don't know how well the different emulators handle different things on the emulated OS.
Also we can't test on Mac, because we do not have any Mac computers here.
So, the only advice I can give is to use a Personal Computer (PC) to run the UCCNC."
So it seems that parallels + UCCNC is not a supported combination. As a developer myself, I can tell that the UCCNC software is not very modern and has several crashes. I wish they would release something with a better UI.
I think you did not understand the concept.
The UI is all changeable. There is a builtin screen editor in the software, so you could build any screens you want.
I think that the issue with running it on OSX is the same as why my Solidworks and some other CAD CAM software does not work on my Macbook correctly.
Is that the parallels does not work with modern opengl and directx properly.
Unfortunately parallels is not as modern as a software like uccnc would require.
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