Fusion 360 Post Processor Attached in Here
minimum cutting radius will add the specified value to internal corners if it would result into a sharp corner.
Tool Diamter D4
Corner radius R2
would result into a sharp corner into the toolpath.
Tool Diameter D4
Corner radius R2
Minimum Cutting Radius 0.5
would result in a toolpath where without sharp corners by adding 0,5 to the toolpath into this area.
So it depends on your tool diameter and the geometry.
I see... maybe it will solve my problem then. Thanks for clarifying.
Thank you for the suggestion to use minimum cutting radius!
I changed the drag knife "diameter" to 50 µm and set the minimum cutting radius to 24 µm. I also had to set the number of stepovers to 0 in order only get one single pass with the knife.
The result was very satisfying with virtually no overcutting in sharp pointy inside corners, but still very sharp outer corners.
Problem solved!
Cheers, Per
Cool, thanks for your feedback!
For all users waiting for a WinPC-NC post processor... As promised, here it is:
Many thanks for the WinPCNC Post Processor.
Will definitely test it during Christmas holidays.
Gelernt auf Stepcraft 420
Jetzt mit der Sorotec AL-1107 unterwegs.
Also many thanks from my side for Win-PCNC-Pp. Suppose that willmake the workflow using Fusion 360 more comfortable. Did download on the spot but will test it later.
wbr Michael
Gruss Michael
begonnen mit 420/2, Alu-Fräse "KARLA" (noch im Bau)
EstlCam mit Arduino NANO, WinPC-NC USB
Kress, QCAD, Fusion 360, Inventor, Winghelper
Does anyone know how to change from mm/min to mm/sec in the Fusion tool library?
Many thanks,
Gelernt auf Stepcraft 420
Jetzt mit der Sorotec AL-1107 unterwegs.
Maybe that´s the possibility for changing velocity you intended to know:
- menu Hilfe/help
- choose "Erste Schritte"/first steps
- in context-menu select in pt. (1) - "Einrichten" the unit you want to use
Gruss Michael
begonnen mit 420/2, Alu-Fräse "KARLA" (noch im Bau)
EstlCam mit Arduino NANO, WinPC-NC USB
Kress, QCAD, Fusion 360, Inventor, Winghelper
Thanks Michael,
I think this does not solve my problem, or I misunderstood your suggestion? 🙂
The mm is okay already, but the feed rates are in mm/minute.
From my Estlcam settings I am used to have mm/sec.
My question is if and how I can adjust the federate settings from mm/minute to mm/second in the tool library and as well how to adjust the post processor to use the mm/second instead of mm/minute values.
Many thanks,
Gelernt auf Stepcraft 420
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Ah Ok - I completely misunderstood your question, I didn´t use the CAM-Module yet.
Gruss Michael
begonnen mit 420/2, Alu-Fräse "KARLA" (noch im Bau)
EstlCam mit Arduino NANO, WinPC-NC USB
Kress, QCAD, Fusion 360, Inventor, Winghelper
there is no specific setting into the tool library in Fusion.
Therefor you have to adjust your post processor.
Please look for the feedFormat at the beginning of the post processor and add your desired scaling as shown here:
var feedFormat = createFormat({decimals:(unit == MM ? 1 : 2), scale:1/60});
Hi Achim,
many thanks for your support.
Gelernt auf Stepcraft 420
Jetzt mit der Sorotec AL-1107 unterwegs.
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