Maybe simple question CUT2D
If i set my artwork in CUT2D and set all preferences (Dept of various toolpaths, drilling toolpaths, inlay toolpaths) in one design and export it (WinPC-NC ATC Arcs MM *.nc) to WINPC-NC does it import all depth/heights of the toolpaths? Or do i need to set the layers again with depth and speed (like the starter brochure explains in WINPX_NC)?
I hope you get my question. :ohmy:

Yes it does. The .NC file has all the code needed to cut your toolpath as you defined it.
Stepcraft 2 840
Kress 800 FME
V-Carve + QCad

do you use the "starter" version of WinPC-NC?
In this case: it cannot open .nc files ("g-code") but requires .plt (HPGL) instead.
Hi Christian,
I only have a .NC file for WinPC-NC.
Wich do you use?
So i used "Generic HPGL Arcs (mm) (*.plt) but is only exports one cut layer and has a weird starting point. I use WinPC-NC Starter

Starter only allows 2 layers. Two layers means the first 2 tools in EstlCAM. The layers can be en-/disabled with the small numbers below the menu bar.
The starting point can be changed somewhere in the WinPC settings.
SC 420 mit DIY parallel + Proxxon mit Mod + HF500 + SprintLayout + LibreCAD/QCAD + FreeCAD +WinPC starter/USB->EstlCAM + EstlCAM LPTAdapter + EstlCAM Handrad + DIY Vakuumtisch
Gruß, Andreas
Thank you. I didn't understand that before installing. What should i use/buy? Im not so technical but want to export and use more then two layers. I allraid bought cut 2d (basic).
You can upgrade from Cut2D to VCarve according to the Vectric website
SC 420/2, Industrial VFD spindle from StoneyCNC
Cut2D, Autosketch10, Draftsight, Eagle 9.5.1
There is no problem, however simple, that cannot be made more complicated by thinking about it.
But then i still have the problem that WinPC-NC starter only imports 2 layers, right?

the limiting factor in this case is WinPC-NC.
You either need to upgrade WinPC-NC or use a different control software altogether.
(By the way Estlcam has a built in CNC controller - it just requires an Arduino UNO.)
Hi chris,
Thanks. I think the cheapest and easy way is to upgrade winPC-NC right?
Which should i use:
If it were my choice I would go with UCCNC every time. This accepts standard Gcode commands as well as DXF files
Easy to learn, use and configure, and uses a USB to parallel converter "dongle" that does all the high speed control wizardry. This relieves the host PC/Laptop of a huge processing load so you can use a very low spec machine. I personally use an old refurbished Dell 610 running XP professional just to run my SC 420/2 - I was therefore able to strip out a lot of unnecessary software to make it as bomb proof as possible.
I have no connection to this software other than being a satisfied user.
SC 420/2, Industrial VFD spindle from StoneyCNC
Cut2D, Autosketch10, Draftsight, Eagle 9.5.1
There is no problem, however simple, that cannot be made more complicated by thinking about it.

Well ... the argument with the USB 2 parallel does not really count, because that's exactly what the WinPC USB board is doing as well ... same is true for EstlCAMs Arduino board.
I use EstlCAM + Arduino with an old Netbook.
WinPC update 200€ + EstlCAM 35€
EstlCAM 35€ + Arduino 35€
SC 420 mit DIY parallel + Proxxon mit Mod + HF500 + SprintLayout + LibreCAD/QCAD + FreeCAD +WinPC starter/USB->EstlCAM + EstlCAM LPTAdapter + EstlCAM Handrad + DIY Vakuumtisch
Gruß, Andreas
In June last year UCCNC + UC100 USB controller cost me £75, with the parallel card costing £10 - a total of about 115 Euros. To that must be added the dreaded VAT at 20% in UK!!
Total 138 Euros or thereabouts.
SC 420/2, Industrial VFD spindle from StoneyCNC
Cut2D, Autosketch10, Draftsight, Eagle 9.5.1
There is no problem, however simple, that cannot be made more complicated by thinking about it.
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