Fusion 360
Anyone knows if Fusion 360 can output to UCCNC?

In case u have used the search you would have found this: https://www.stepcraft-systems.com/forum/software2/1571-uccnc-and-fusion-360#27198
SC M.500 | 2,2kW Spindel G-Penny | Mach4 über Ethernet Smoothstepper
Oh yes, and it ROCKS !
Hi guys,
for those who are using fusion 360 CAM, I need a little bit of light :cheer: !!!
I started playing with fusion 360 CAM (most of the time i use CAMBAM which works really well), bt i would like explore new options, but everytime i try to use fusion 360 CAM, i need to remove these two lines from the generated file
G0 G53 Z0. -> this command put my spindle against the board (I need to reset before crash my spindle) , even when i´m testing and i set z = 0 in UCCNC without endmill on top.
G53 X0. Y0. -> Move all the machine to the origin and then go back, and i think it´s a waste of time. ( I don´t know how i can remove this line from .cps file to avoid do it by hand everytime.)
If i removed this two lines is fine my steppy cut it perfect, but for all of us is working flawless?? it´s my configuraion?? i think my fusion 360 parameters are fine, but maybe I´m doing something wrong, any feedback??
I attach the entire gcode file generated for fusion 360.
Any help is appreciated!
Stepcraft 840 + CCNC
Kress 1050 and in a near future with SuperPID
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