Milling a 3Dmodel f...
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Milling a 3Dmodel from RhinoCAM through WinPCNC

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Beiträge: 1
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We are testing the 3-axis milling and we are having some issues tranfering the 3d object data to the machine. The 3d object and the milling configuration can be exported from Rhinoceros through RhinoCAM as slt, or as HPGL (not as plt, dfx, etc.) and this file formats cannot be open with WinPCNC (full version) and sent to the machine.

How can we load HPGL to WinPCNC?
Is it possible to load a 3D file in other format?
Or do we need extra software?


Veröffentlicht : 16/09/2015 5:53 pm