UCCNC+UC100 parameters for StepCraft 840
I've juste received my StepCraft 840. The mechanical assembly is done but now I have to configure the software. My setup consists of UCCNC software with a UC100 USB to Parallel dongle. Does anyone have a configuration file for the StepCraft 840 ? I'm not able to find any parameters for the new SC840 online or in the printed manual, only for the older models…
Many thanks!
They should be on the plain disc you got with your package - open it up and you should see a number of folders, go through the folders a step at a time and you should be sorted. (at least this is how I did it with the StoneyCNC supplied kit.
Thank you very much for your answer. I didn't buy my stepcraft through StoneyCNC but through Sorotec. There is no disc nor any information on how the parallel port is wired.
No problem.
So you have the uc100 parallel port device plugged in to the parallel port card on the machine?
To have the software operate outside of demo mode, you will need a license file - was that supplied to you?
Yes, the UC100 is connected to the parallel port of the SC840 and UCCNC is installed on my PC. I have successfully installed my license file, the software is running in "full mode". What I'm missing is the configuration file/information: which pin does what, machine acceleration, advance per turn, etc. I tried with the configuration for the older models (found on the stepcraft support website), but the wiring seems to be different on the SC840 as nothing is working…
Yes, the UC100 is connected to the parallel port of the SC840 and UCCNC is installed on my PC. I have successfully installed my license file, the software is running in "full mode". What I'm missing is the configuration file/information: which pin does what, machine acceleration, advance per turn, etc. I tried with the configuration for the older models (found on the stepcraft support website), but the wiring seems to be different on the SC840 as nothing is working…
Aren`t there any pin assignment charts in Operating Instructions? I also ordered my 600SF from Sorotec and the information was under "6. Techincal Data".
Stepcraft 600SF (version 1) parallel port
Proxxon IBS/E
devCad Cam Pro; devWing Cam; devFus Cam; Profili Pro 2
You're right. I have a a chart in the operating instructions, except it is for the older machines. I don't know if it is a mistake from StepCraft or if the manual hasn't been updated yet for the 840, but the operating instructions only mention the SC300, 420 and 600. The mechanical specs are obviously not the same, but apparently the electronic has changed too. I've tried with the settings as specified in this manual but it is not working with the 840.
I think, at this point you need to get back to Sorotec and ask them for a profile. If that fails to get you a profile, Rory might be willing to help.
I did contact Sorotec and also StepCraft, but I'm still waiting for an answer… But anyway, thank you very much for your help ! I'll try to contact Rory if I didn't heard back from the seller/manufacturer in a few days.
Sorotec answered and told me the electronics were the same in the 840. Indeed it was a mistake on my side, I did configure properly UCCNC but didn't apply my changes afterwards… 😳 I also asked them for the mechanical parameters (velocity, acceleration, running, etc.) but haven't got an answer back yet, so my machine is still not working properly.
Found some technical specs under this topic (scroll way below): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/224743317/stepcraft-2-universal-desktop-cnc-3d-printer-for-e?ref=discovery
Stepcraft 600SF (version 1) parallel port
Proxxon IBS/E
devCad Cam Pro; devWing Cam; devFus Cam; Profili Pro 2
Calibration values are 133.33 as the ballscrew pitch is different. So the V1 profiles will move more than programmed as they are 200 steps per unit (mm).
We have UCCNC profile for 840 - send us an email. Apologies if you already have - send again - VERY busy at the moment
Many thanks for the link ! There is much more information here that what is provided on the SC site or in the manuals… I was able to configure properly my machine over the week-end. I'll still have to configure the spindle (HF500)…
Thanks for those information ! I was able to configure the machine saturday with the information on the kickstarter pages… SC sent me some PDFs and a Mach3 profile you wrote, both are very helpful and much better than the SC own documentation. Great job!
I sent you a private message a few days ago, I'll send you an email then.
the HF500 spindle took a day of my tests to install, but finally I managed with help of the web.
Important my (600 setup):
Spindle is on Step pin 17, port 1
Dir pin & port are 0
Output #1 pin 1, port 1 need to be enabled as well
On Spindle setup enable use spindle motor output, set M3 & M4 outputs to 1, set PWM control, PWM Freq to 1000 and minimum to 20%
Oh yes, you need to configure also a pulley, I used 0 to 20000 rpm and ratio 1, whatever pulley generated need to be active in the settings page.
The above will setup the spindle to operate from 4000-20000 RPM in Mach3, and it was for me relative accurate (+-500rpm).
Maybe it helps you to install the HF spindle in 5 min 🙂
Steppcraft 600/2 + HF500 + SwitchBox + Laser + Schleppmesser
Absaugung und Vakuumtisch
an Mach3 oder UCCNC mit Taster für Z-Null und Werkzeuglänge
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