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Reset activates at sertom point

1 Beiträge
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Beiträge: 3
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Hi. My m1000 was milling thing, and on second same detail it stoped. And at that point in Y axis it started to activate reset button. Whe i home all, and go down on Y at coordinates 940 it activates. When i use override limits ig continues. i can use full range, no problem. When i go backmon 709 it stop again, i can skip with same way, But if i use home all, motor starts to struggle and right motor goes further, In manual, again all is ok, in override linits. I took Y apart, cleaned, olso cleaned triggers, reinstalled program, but all keeps same. Can someone help me please. Thanks.

Veröffentlicht : 12/02/2024 11:38 pm