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1 Beiträge
1 Benutzer
82 Ansichten
Beiträge: 4
Active Member

Hello everybody,

I bought a Stepcraft-2/D.600 USB CNC portal cutter but am having some problems.

the problem is mainly that when initializing the machine, x-axis (short axis) z-axis work fine, but with the Y-axis, the left upright gantry rather "bumps" against the back (rear panel) so that the right upright gantry does not hit the y-axis end switch and the motor continues to run.

Now I have already realigned the gantrys a few times as explained in the YouTube video from Stepcraft. Then initializing the machine goes well once or twice and then the same problem again.

Now on top of that the y-axis always blocks / gets stuck when you move it back and forth .

Best regards

Veröffentlicht : 05/12/2022 2:09 pm