Does EstlCam can be used for creating plt files ?
Hi I'm working on a Stepcraft D series 840 with a Winpc Nc as the driving software, there is a ton of issues with this software and i don't know where to start.
First point i use EstlCam because a Stepcraft employee told us it was a good solution. And from what i know now it isn't !! it might be the worst software i have ever seen !
Let me explain. I was doing a simple task cut through a 2 mm plastic window. So, i place the plastic window on top of an mdf plate to avoid destroying the T slot table or the tool. I created a plt file with estlcam with as the reference the top of the material and cuting with a 2 mm depth. Then i went on win pc nc and i parameter the x and y 0 coordinate i save then use the tool length sensor to get the z=0 exit then start my program. As you can imagine nothing works. the cut wasn't 2mm deep but close to 1 mm so i stoped the program on the software( not the emergency stop). Then because it didn't cut as deep as i wanted i decided to create all over again a new cuting program on estlcam this time i put the refernce on the table and said that the material was 2mm thick. I put the programm and start the cuting program. and it was even worst than the first time ! in a first place the x and y origin coordinate have changed between these two program and it didn(t cut for 2 mm as i asked but for almost 4 mm !
For the moment my opinion is simple it's on estcam or winpc nc but one of them is pure garbage and i don't know which one of them now( looks more like estlcam) because it is obvious that when you parameter a 2 mm cut it will cut for 1 or 4 depending on their mood and in the middle of nowhere the origin can change ... this software is no joke the worst software in terms of dimension
If someone can proove that i'm wrong i will be more than happy to hear from you.
I attached the dxf and plt file so you can take a quick look !
Thank you
Your question "Does EstlCam can be used for creating plt files ?"
Answer Yes.
But your problem lies in Winpc.
First off all WinPC-NC is a very powerfull program, maybe you shout take some time to understand it.
But did you setup Winpc correct?
I'am assuming you use version 3.40 of winpc?
So check "Parameter">"Basic settings" if your machine data is correct set.
Next in "Parameters">"Import Formats" make the correct setting for 2D (either Multicam 2D or Identify data format)
You use the toollenght sensor. Is your offset distance correct set for this sensor?
But why do you not try Fusion 360 this a free program from Autocad then you can vully design in 3D and export to G-code with the stepcraft postprocessor.
SC 1/420 + Gantry extension, Kress 1050 FME-P, NeJe 20W Laser, WinPC-NC USB v4.00, Vectric Aspire 9, SolidWorks 2021
Correction on my previous.
"Your question "Does EstlCam can be used for creating plt files ?"
Answer Yes."
The answer is actually NO.
But why would you want to use PLT files on a CNC milling machine?
You can achieve everything you want in G-code.
You can import:
DXF, PIT, or HPGL: Initiates a 2D or 2.5D project. STL, PNG, GIF, JPG, GCODE or NC.
Export: G-code with postprocessor for winpc
SC 1/420 + Gantry extension, Kress 1050 FME-P, NeJe 20W Laser, WinPC-NC USB v4.00, Vectric Aspire 9, SolidWorks 2021
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