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EstlCAM + Arduino +...
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EstlCAM + Arduino + D420 = scale issue on steppers???

2 Beiträge
2 Benutzer
2,235 Ansichten
Beiträge: 1
New Member

Hi Everyone,

I've just setup my D420. Great looking piece of kit. I opted for EstlCAM as a controller using the Arduino UNO, connecting to the Stepcraft parallel port.
I have home'd the machine successfully. The limit switches are doing their job. I had to invert the Y axis travel in the software setup... not sure if that is normal or not.

The Problem:
When I create a simple tool path in estleCAM and run the Gcode, the steppers move way more than is indicated on the EstlCAM on-screen preview. I have to hit the Estop before the gantry hits the edge... but my tool path is supposed to be in the middle of the bed.

Here are my settings that I flashed to the Arduino:
Steps per resolution 1600
Distance per revolution 5mm
Max feedrate 3000mm/min

This is likely a really basic mistake. I'm pretty new to this so any help is much appreciated.

Veröffentlicht : 16/02/2021 5:45 pm
Beiträge: 2619
Famed Member

Usually steppers have 200 steps per revolution and the stepper driver runs the steppers in half stepping mode on the D series.

400 steps per revolution and 3mm per revolution are the real parameters.

SC 420 mit DIY parallel + Proxxon mit Mod + HF500 + SprintLayout + LibreCAD/QCAD + FreeCAD +WinPC starter/USB->EstlCAM + EstlCAM LPTAdapter + EstlCAM Handrad + DIY Vakuumtisch

Gruß, Andreas

Veröffentlicht : 16/02/2021 11:53 pm