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Problem initializing the machine

4 Beiträge
3 Benutzer
3,368 Ansichten
Beiträge: 2
New Member

I have just assembled my D420 system but having problem initialize it. The software is WinPC-NC with 420v2 profile.

When I try to initialize the machine using the "initialize the machine" button, the operation always ends in a few seconds with an error message "Error - Homing switch active". However it looks like the limit switches are OK (See the attached screenshot of the signal test). I have also checked the limit switch connection on the control board using a multimeter and read 0 volt in normal situation and 5 volt when the switch is pressed.

Does anyone have suggestions about what might be wrong? Thank you in advance!

Veröffentlicht : 18/08/2020 1:13 pm
Beiträge: 2
New Member

I have exactly the same problem as pspotato. I have no 4th axis, but WINPC-NC thinks the 4th axis homing switch is active. This is a newly built machine.

In detail, when trying to initialise the machine, I get "Error Homing Switch Active" and the same result on the input/output signals. I have a D840, so I tried the same edit to the file SC_2_840.sys AND to the very similar SC_2_840P.sys (I can't be sure which one has effect). I delete the line starting I238, and it has not solved my problem, I still get the same "error, homing switch active". I am editing the file in the C:winpc-nc_usb3 folder.

Can anyone help me sort this out please?


Veröffentlicht : 17/04/2021 6:17 pm
Beiträge: 2
New Member

I had the same problem as pspotato, and tried the same solution, and it didn't work.

then, I found a better solution which is much easier, and which definitely worked for me. In WinPC-NC, go to Parameters, Basic Settings, Signal Wizard, and change the setting for the 4th axis homing switch to "n/a". That's all there is to it.

Veröffentlicht : 17/04/2021 7:00 pm
Beiträge: 230
Reputable Member

Check your cables
Most common problem is a bad connection between the board and the switches.

Second disable the fourth axis in WiN-PC

good luck

SC 1/420 + Gantry extension, Kress 1050 FME-P, NeJe 20W Laser, WinPC-NC USB v4.00, Vectric Aspire 9, SolidWorks 2021

Veröffentlicht : 19/04/2021 3:11 pm