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How to align a work...
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How to align a workpiece to Y & X axes ?

3 Beiträge
3 Benutzer
2,922 Ansichten
Beiträge: 3
Active Member

Hi everyone,

I just got my SC 600 one month ago and i work with Fusion360 and UCCNC.

I made toolpaths to engrave small brass plaques, and i had hard times setting up feed, speed rates and depth passes but engraving is fine now.

But there is another issue :

HOW TO ALIGN Y and X axes to my small brass plaques ? (these are my workipece ) there is no stock, the job is runned directly on finished parts

I tried with a touch probe that gave WCS of the center of my work piece (which is composed by several parallel plaques), but then how do i use the coordinates that UCCNC gives me ?!

To illustrate the problem. i attatched pictures showing of one single plaque clamped, (though there will be 4 in the row in the future, so a rectangle shaped workpiece).

i can make a probe determine the 4 inner sides of the rectangle bounding the plaques, but after that how do i integrate to my gcode or nc file the exact position of my workpiece, and therefore the exact (aligned) position from where to start the job ?

I've been watching dozens of tutorials and forums, but there's nothing on this specific topic.

thanks for your help

Veröffentlicht : 17/10/2019 6:27 pm
Beiträge: 5
Active Member

Have you thought about creating a jig to hold your four work pieces, then setting an M button in UCCNC to repeatedly find this zero?

Veröffentlicht : 04/01/2021 2:41 am
Simon Lister
Beiträge: 16
Eminent Member

Sorry about the late reply, we had a death in the family. I have never used the M keys but will look at it today.

Many thanks and Happy New Year.

Veröffentlicht : 04/01/2021 11:58 am