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x axis stuck after ...
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x axis stuck after jogging too far

2 Beiträge
2 Benutzer
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3,141 Ansichten
Beiträge: 1
New Member


Got my 420-2 working. Y and z axis work like a charm, but x axis is stuck after initialising. Jog buttons only give a whining sound from the motor. Is there a way to move the x axis by hand?

Also, it seems as if the limit switch for the x axis is never going to reach the side of the gantry, because of the coupler between the stepper motor and the rod. Is there something obvious I'm missing here? Double-checked my assembly and it all seems correct.

Thank you.

Veröffentlicht : 28/08/2019 1:00 pm
Reiner Stähler
Beiträge: 322
Reputable Member

Hello corne12,
most likely your x-axis is braced.
If the X-axis is now at the far left stop, loosen the two screws of the X-portal to which the aluminium profile of the X-axis is attached.
Then use the jog keys to move the axis to the left stop, will the X-axis now switch off at the limit switch?
If so, please tighten the screws on the left portal again in this position.
If the X-axis does not move to the right stop, please loosen the screws on the right side of the X-portal and also move there to the stop. And then tighten the screws on the right side of the portal. Now the X-axis should be aligned!

Greetings Reiner

Fräse: SC 2/420, T-Nut, AMB 1050 FME-P, 4-Achse, Fräswanne,WZLS, WinPC-NC, Handrad, Estlcam, Filou NC16basic, NC20expert, Aspire 9.5, DeskProto 7 Multi Axis
Laser: Makeblock XY-Plotter 20W, mLaser 2,5W Laser Neje 7/20W
3D Druck: Anycubic Photon S, i3 Mega S,Chiron,TENLOG TL-3D PRO, Zonestar Z8T

Veröffentlicht : 28/08/2019 11:01 pm