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invert Z axis in uc...
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invert Z axis in uccnc / URC201 remote plugin

1 Beiträge
1 Benutzer
2,929 Ansichten
Beiträge: 1
New Member


I have changed to uccnc and when a run a test pass. My Z axis plunges down and the then starts running my tool path upwards. When a does a bore it goes from the bottom of my work pices ut up to the top. Same with the contour pass. I have check everthing in the cam program and it looks right.

Is thier a invert setting in on z axis in uccnc??

I have tryed google it but cann't find anything.

And does anyone have a URC201 remote plugin I can download. ( can only find urc 200 ) ?

Thanx for any answers.
- Nilssen

Veröffentlicht : 25/08/2019 4:26 pm