Play in Z axis
I know there is play in the lead screws side to side for assembly but not up and down is this normal?
Or is my lead screw nut worn I have a new lead coming just wondering about the nut.
Something seriously amiss there - normally you would expect 1/10mm or so. It could well be that the setscrews in the coupling sleeve between stepper and leadscrew are loose - certainly worth checking. I they are loose, make sure that the weight of the Z assembly is not taken by the stepper bearings - they are not designed to support too much weight. The motor specification suggests a maximum of 10N (approx 1Kg) axial force.
Also check the nut itself is not loose - if it had worn to such an extent as to give the play you see there would be plenty of physical evidence on the leadscrew.
SC 420/2, Industrial VFD spindle from StoneyCNC
Cut2D, Autosketch10, Draftsight, Eagle 9.5.1
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