file Frage Y is it not working?

10 Jul 2015 18:28 #23293 von hale2160
Y is it not working? wurde erstellt von hale2160
After a great start I have a couple problems machining, mainly on the Y axis.

My 840 started missing steps on the Y and making dreadful noises. After checking the Y carriage set up (take your time over this, it really needs to be accurate) and was beginning to think I left a spanner in the works :ohmy: , I noticed that corrugated plastic pipe that carries the cables under the bed was catching in the slot and fowling the Y axis.

After re-routing the pipe and some tuning on the Y rollers thing greatly improved. I will modify the pipe with some smooth walled pipe to eliminate this infuture.

Also I'm going to rebuild the X Y and Z mechanisms, too excited to get the machine going I think.


SC840, HF500, UCNNC, Vcarve Pro, Turbo Cad
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