Milling brass sheet
Has anyone successfully milled 2mm brass sheet on a Stepcraft machine? If so I would welcome any advice on suitable speeds and feeds. I have an original 420 machine with a VFD spindle capable of up to 24000rpm and and wish to use an 1/8" end mill.
Thanks in advance.
SC 420/2, Industrial VFD spindle from StoneyCNC
Cut2D, Autosketch10, Draftsight, Eagle 9.5.1
There is no problem, however simple, that cannot be made more complicated by thinking about it.
I have a D2/420 and done some work with brass not with sheets but with round stock 110mm and about 15 mm high with a 3mm end mill. I got good results creating pockets of 2 mm deep in steps of 0.2 mm and a feed rate of about 210 mm/min, spinde between 16000 and 12000 RMP. And after that (on the other side of the blank) some engraving. As a test I did the pocketing first on some plywood.
I was carefull not to go too fast with anything and noticed that a good tuning/adjustment of the D2/420 is important. Check that evering is running smoothly, no backlash and no strange noises. The pockets that I was milling and the image that I was engraving were very detailed and the total milling time got up to about 22 hours. Any repeated kicks at the same spot caused by backlash might eventualy damage your aluminium profiles in the process.
What exactly do you want to do with the 2mm brass, cutting through or engraving?
When cutting through you might want to think about the brass buckling up and the endmill taking out too much.
Kind regards.
PapaAtHome Ich lese Deutsch, ich spreche (ein wenig) Deutsch, aber ich kann kein Deutsch schreiben.
SC420/2+Perf kit, D3/600, MM1000, laser module, WinPC-USB v3.02/06, UCCNC v2111, FreeCAD/Inkscape on Windows10, 64 bit.
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