3D machining with STEPCRAFT
Cut3D was used to import an STL file.
The roughing strategy was carried out using a 5mm two fluted solid carbide upcut.
the roughing was done with a 3mm ballnose cutter.
cut3D can be programmed to
- rough out the bulk material
- machine the finish pass with the ballnose cutter
- cuts out the outline to release the part
The final finish can be improved by applying a finer resolution to the finish pass - and also running the same toolpath in different directions - 90 degrees, 0 degrees and 45 degrees - so the cutter moves in different directions for the final finishing passes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke9r35kXcYE
Hi Rory,
Thank you for the video i ask you for. Is it possible for you to pubblish a photo of this piece with the best finishing possible.
Thank you in advance.
We will post more. this part had just one direction for finish pass.
We can make one with multiple passes on different directions to get best finish.
stay tuned.
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