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Stepcraft just Stop...
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Stepcraft just Stops in the middle of our program (M1000)

2 Beiträge
2 Benutzer
2,149 Ansichten
Beiträge: 2
Active Member


Sometimes when I turn on a program, the machine just stops by itself in the middle of the program. And then I just start the program again and there is no problem. Does anyone know what is happening?

I think that the machine might think that the material is too "hard" or something but that is just a guess.

Veröffentlicht : 04/05/2022 7:06 pm
Beiträge: 230
Reputable Member

first your stepcraft is not an AI machine so it doesn't think, it just does what its told to do.
When a program suddenly stops it can be the lost of the USB data connection, so make sure that USB shutdown is disabled on your computer. It mostly happens at laptops afer a period of time.

If there are no error messages than your steppie is OK.

SC 1/420 + Gantry extension, Kress 1050 FME-P, NeJe 20W Laser, WinPC-NC USB v4.00, Vectric Aspire 9, SolidWorks 2021

Veröffentlicht : 05/05/2022 3:27 pm