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Mold making

5 Beiträge
4 Benutzer
5,586 Ansichten
Beiträge: 2
New Member

Hi, would it be possible to make molds for soft bait in new the Stepcraft 2 machine?
The molds would be in aluminium and the size is approx. 250x100x20 mm.

What kind of spindle do I need? Any other suggestion for equipment?

I attach a picture how the molds would be and the fininsh of the molds.


Veröffentlicht : 17/04/2015 12:09 pm
Giulio Buccini
Beiträge: 212
Reputable Member

I think that theoretically it's possible, it depends how deep you have to dig into the material with the milling tool. I mean... if the shape is rich of vertical "walls" then you will crash your thin tool (let's say a 2mm diameter milling bit). So you will need a more rigid milling tool (let's say 5 or 6mm diameter). But in this way you will loose the ability to produce fine details.

Honestly I'm not an expert of milling deeply into aluminum, so I hope that somebody with more knowledge could answer you.

Anyway I think that the software in this case has great importance. I mean... I think that you need a "smart" CAM software able to produce a step-by-step process. The first milling step should be executed with a big diameter tool, second step with a smaller one and so on. Refining details on the way.

I cannot imagine how much long all the operation could be long, minimum one day (24h) for sure. In any case you need a spindle with the highest torque possible. Maybe the Stepcraft 500watt it's enough, but I'm not sure of this.

SC300 + Spindle HF500 + Portalerhöhung + LinuxCNC + gsimple

Veröffentlicht : 21/04/2015 9:55 pm
Beiträge: 1139
Noble Member

Hi, would it be possible to make molds for soft bait in new the Stepcraft 2 machine?.

What kind of spindle do I need? Any other suggestion for equipment?

I attach a picture how the molds would be and the fininsh of the molds.


hello Joakim
for shure mold making is a very nice part of cnc machining.
But the 3d programming of a soft bait is a peace of work

i cant see any of your pics...

Veröffentlicht : 21/04/2015 10:56 pm
Beiträge: 2
New Member
Veröffentlicht : 22/04/2015 12:54 am
Ruben Verschueren
Beiträge: 14
Eminent Member

Now that is a cool project!

Veröffentlicht : 10/08/2019 12:38 am