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First setup DL445 i...
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First setup DL445 issues

4 Beiträge
2 Benutzer
4,571 Ansichten
Beiträge: 12
Eminent Member


I am following the manual to setup the Laser tool. I think I did all the steps on section 4.2 (on spindle page) I enabled the plug in, re started the program. However, When I go section 5.6 *Start a Job" no matter what I do I always get the "RESET LOGIC OF THE SOFTWARE IS ACTIVE..." as seen on capture 1.
I am sure the STOP push buttons are all reset (machine, soft, laser box), the key on the laser box is ON. I also tried moving the X,Y, Z lead screws manually to a middle positions but it does not change anything.

I am also attaching the diagnostics Capture2.

Thanks a lot.

Veröffentlicht : 18/04/2018 8:56 pm
Beiträge: 266
Reputable Member

Did you insert the lase head into the Z-Axis-holder in a way that the switch on the side is also pressed? There is a security switsch on the laser which ensures that the laser would not work if it is not inserted rightfully into the holder.

Steppcraft 600/2 + HF500 + SwitchBox + Laser + Schleppmesser
Absaugung und Vakuumtisch
an Mach3 oder UCCNC mit Taster für Z-Null und Werkzeuglänge

Veröffentlicht : 18/04/2018 10:37 pm
Beiträge: 12
Eminent Member


You were right. that was the problem. However I have another problem. when I run the test sequence the laser led does not illuminate at all. I was trying to find out why this could be. I found some video on you tube where they download a multiinstaller that comes with UCCNC ready to use the laser. Unfortunately, this is no longer available on the Stepcraft's webpage.

I did all my laser configuration on the Configuration/axis/spindle page and I do not really know if this is OK or not. I would prefer to install the profile for the laser and go from there but as I said it is nowhere to be found.

I guess I will send a email to stepcraft asking for this software.

Thanks again.

Veröffentlicht : 20/04/2018 1:17 am
Beiträge: 12
Eminent Member


Stepcraft sent me the software right away and now the laser is working fine. Thanks again for your help on this matter.


Veröffentlicht : 20/04/2018 7:06 am