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Existing UK Stepcra...
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Existing UK Stepcraft user - new account

4 Beiträge
3 Benutzer
4,404 Ansichten
Beiträge: 6
Active Member

Hello to all,
I was on here as Blan The Genius, then changed my username to Mr. B,
but now just created a new user account and go under the username of MACHINE CRAFTED.

I bought my Stepcraft 420 v.1 (aka satsuma) from Rory top dude back in August 2014, since then I've worked on a few projects haven't had many issues at all with the machine.
If anybody is unsure on weather or not to take the plunge and buy a stepcraft machine then I'd say go for it as they are great machines well worth the money.

Best regards

Stepcraft 420 (version 1) - HXKJ-GS52-400W Air cooled DC spindle - 445nm Blue Laser diode G2

Veröffentlicht : 20/08/2016 1:24 pm
Beiträge: 1864
Noble Member

Just I´m interested to know why you have changed your user account several times.

Gruss Michael

begonnen mit 420/2, Alu-Fräse "KARLA" (noch im Bau)
EstlCam mit Arduino NANO, WinPC-NC USB
Kress, QCAD, Fusion 360, Inventor, Winghelper

Veröffentlicht : 20/08/2016 2:09 pm
Beiträge: 6
Active Member

First time change Blan The Genius I wasn't to happy with,
So changed to Mr. B. then just recently couldn't remember password username etc. and thought it'd be easier to start a fresh account under the name Machine Crafted as I'm going to start uploading pics and videos of things I'm working on as and when I can.

Stepcraft 420 (version 1) - HXKJ-GS52-400W Air cooled DC spindle - 445nm Blue Laser diode G2

Veröffentlicht : 20/08/2016 2:41 pm
Beiträge: 384
Reputable Member

Welcome back 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 30/08/2016 9:41 pm