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Newbie from UK with...
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Newbie from UK with Stepcraft 600

2 Beiträge
2 Benutzer
4,140 Ansichten
Beiträge: 1
New Member

Just wanted to introduce myself, I have just purchased the Stepcraft 600. Its a steep learning curve having never done anything like this before. If anyone has any links to resources they can share that would be great, I am also looking for spare parts like drive pulleys and belts etc.

Much appreciated and I look forward to getting some great information from this forum.

Kind regards Mike

Veröffentlicht : 22/04/2016 9:23 pm
Beiträge: 34
Eminent Member

Hi Mike, For spares etc, would think StoneyCNC is your best bet.

SC600/2, Kress 1050, UCCNC with UC100, Cut2D Pro, TurboCAD and Fusion 360

Veröffentlicht : 26/04/2016 3:52 pm