Interested in a new machine

Hi, I am reading the forums and watching all the videos I can find on the Stepcraft machines. I own an old and tired High Z S1000 that is in need of new electronics, it's driven with Cambam and Linuxcnc. I also have a few old Roland CNC machines, so this isn't new to me. However over the last few years my budgets have got tighter, and the old machines are harder to support in hardware and software, so looking at new alternatives.
I currently do alot of work with 3d printers something like the S420 would probably be a good size for me right now. UCCNC seems the path to take with USB operation and examples I have seen running on Windows tablets.
That actually confuses me, why would you need to add parralel to the router to then control it by USB, when the router can be used via USB in the first place.
My work/hobby is mostly prototyping work, so nothing is working flat out day in day out, hence my consideration of a Stepcraft machine. All my CAD is done via Rhino, I design in 3D then break down into 2D where required for routing sheet material. I am interested in the rotary axis, though it seems at present it isn't operational with UCCNC ? I am UK based in South Yorkshire, and inspired by what I read about Rory's sales and support. So many interesting options for the machine and progression to larger machines if they prove their worth to me.
High Z S1000 router (out of action)
Linuxcnc to be replaced by UCCNC + UC-100
OSX Rhino 3D

Well USB is not USB. If you talk about USB in Steppi-world - meaning the USB module you can purchase with the stepcraft machines - you actually talk about a USB module which is bundled with WinPC NC software.
Even worse it is more like a dongle. So, there is no way to use this USB module together with other software.
USB modules which work together with UCCNC propably do not fit into the space left for the WinPC USB module. That is why you need a parallel board. Actually the parallel board completely replaces the WinPC USB board. That's why it gets cheaper when you select parallel.
For the rotary axis you need an additional driver board. The parallel interface is already prepared for the 4th axis. So, it depends on the USB board that you use with UCCNC wheather it supports this 4th axis or not. Maybe you have to create some adapter cables. And propably Rory already knows this kind of things and can help better than me. 🙂
SC 420 mit DIY parallel + Proxxon mit Mod + HF500 + SprintLayout + LibreCAD/QCAD + FreeCAD +WinPC starter/USB->EstlCAM + EstlCAM LPTAdapter + EstlCAM Handrad + DIY Vakuumtisch
Gruß, Andreas

LOL so it's all straight forward... After the nightmare I had getting a PCIe card for my PC to run Linuxcnc I had hoped this would be a relatively easy solution.
High Z S1000 router (out of action)
Linuxcnc to be replaced by UCCNC + UC-100
OSX Rhino 3D
UCCNC has windows WSQL driver certs for the USB module. So it works on windows with XP 7 8 8.1 10 wiht USB 2.0. That basically means (stand to be corrected) that windows stand over the drivers as part of their windows update etc.. so it will work! 🙂
its been incredibly reliable for us. We use it on all commercial machines also.
UCCNC is fully compatible with 4th / rotary axis..
The 4th axis card takes power and digital signals off the main STEPCRAFT control card. UCCNC can simply be configured where the A axis drive these signals and moves the rotary axis motor.
Would recommend Vcarve desktop as it takes 2D DXF's and 3D STL files in from Rhino. Fusion 360 is also good. there are a lot of options here.
for the 4th axis - VcarvePro has a wrapping function. Deskproto is also good. Not sure about Fusion and 4th axis work.
if you can use CAMBAM - stick with CAMBAM. CAMBAM has more features than you could ever want to use in there. Its an aweosome piece of sotware.. with a steeper learning curve.

Managed to make it to the Spalding Model Engineer and Hobby Show, got to see some Stepcraft kits and meet Rory himself. Enjoyable day, good to put faces to names and now to decide what to do regarding machines. Cheers Rory, your going to make me a poorer bloke :woohoo:
High Z S1000 router (out of action)
Linuxcnc to be replaced by UCCNC + UC-100
OSX Rhino 3D
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