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An english forum/page should use english names and labels.

1 Beiträge
1 Benutzer
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12 Ansichten
Andre Steenveld
Beiträge: 26
Eminent Member

It is nice to be able to select 'English' but this should not be restricted to 'message text will be in english'.
It would help english language customers a lot if the labels and texts on the page are also... English!

Please mr. Forum manager, change all labels and all tekst to English when I select 'English'.

The way it is now the forum pages are a jumble of three languages, English for the message content, German for most forum labels and (in my case) Dutch for what my brouwser think about translating labels.
Not a pleasent thing to look at, may chaise potential members away.

PapaAtHome Ich lese Deutsch, ich spreche (ein wenig) Deutsch, aber ich kann kein Deutsch schreiben. SC420/2+Perf kit, D3/600, MM1000, laser module, WinPC-USB v3.02/06, UCCNC v2111, FreeCAD/Inkscape on Windows10, 64 bit.

Veröffentlicht : 26/09/2024 1:17 pm