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2 Beiträge
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Patricio Francisco González
Beiträge: 3
Active Member

My name is Patricio, I live in Santiago de Chile.
My model is 600/2, I use WinPC-NC 2.50 and to design I use Aspire 9.0

Problem: When I open the design in WinPC-NC the machine is not located in the X, Y coordinates assigned
I have removed and installed the software of both programs twice, but the problem persists.
I did not have that problem before. What I can do?

Me llamo Patricio, vivo en Santiago de Chile.
Mi modelo es el 600/2, uso WinPC-NC 2.50 y para diseñar utilizo Aspire 9.0

Problema: Cuando abro el diseño en WinPC-NC la máquina no se ubica en las cordenadas X,Y asignadas
He eliminado e instalado en dos ocasiones el software de ambos programas, pero el problema persiste.
Antes no tenía ese problema. Qué puedo hacer?


Veröffentlicht : 19/07/2018 7:29 pm
Beiträge: 526
Honorable Member

Hi Patricio,

not sure if I understood your issue correcly, but if it is a Problem that your xy Zero Point is not set to where it is set in the drawing, please check the following in WinPCNC.

- Go to menu " Parameters "
- open the tab "misc. Parameters"
- set the Option "Zero Point in file" to "orign of coordinates".

I think by default it is set do "Botton left"


Gelernt auf Stepcraft 420
Jetzt mit der Sorotec AL-1107 unterwegs.

Veröffentlicht : 19/07/2018 9:35 pm