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Finding the Step Craft Forum

3 Beiträge
2 Benutzer
5,029 Ansichten
Beiträge: 11
Eminent Member

I can mark it up to a Senior Moment but I have a hard time finding the Step Craft Forum. Sometimes I find it in the Service and Support but that Heading is not on all pages. Could it be under the Home heading!

Veröffentlicht : 07/01/2015 12:59 am
Alex Robertson
Beiträge: 46
Trusted Member

Once you find it make a bookmark so you can always get back in one click!

When on the page you want, (for most browsers) its Ctrl+D.

Ctrl+Shift+B will show/hide the bookmark bar.

Hope that helps 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 07/01/2015 12:42 pm
Beiträge: 11
Eminent Member

Heustec- I did as you suggested but I have found the entrance to the Forum is not much problem and don't need the Book Mark after all. I guess I was having "a kid in the Candy Store" moment after finding all the info available here. Thanks for the very good suggestion!

Veröffentlicht : 08/02/2015 11:31 pm