PWM Setup Mach3

Stepcraft 420 (version 1) - HXKJ-GS52-400W Air cooled DC spindle - 445nm Blue Laser diode G2
Very nice!!! out of interest - where exactly is that pin for PWM coming from? Through the SC card? Or via external source before going into main card?
you can go over the stepcraftcard and then in the Spindel card.
i have done it with my china spindle bevor and Now with the james spindl from james here and an arduino and an controller for brushless motors
i also read in the rpm with a sensor for aound $3 from hobbyking over the
its on different posts ☺ and german,but maybe you can use google to translate
in the scetch you find the pins on stepcraft output
SC 420 SolidEdge--> FilouNC12--> Mach3

Very nice!!! out of interest - where exactly is that pin for PWM coming from? Through the SC card? Or via external source before going into main card?
Hello Rory,
The pin for the PWM is coming from a driver which came with the spindle, which then goes to Sub-D 15 connector on the back of the stepcraft machine. The pin layout is in the Operating Instruction manual page 16.
Stepcraft 420 (version 1) - HXKJ-GS52-400W Air cooled DC spindle - 445nm Blue Laser diode G2

Very nice!!! out of interest - where exactly is that pin for PWM coming from? Through the SC card? Or via external source before going into main card?
The pin for the PWM is coming from the driver which came with the spindle, which is connected to the Sub-D 15 on the back of the stepcraft machine and the pin layouts I got from the Operating Instruction manual page 16.
I'm using relay 1(pin 13 on Sub-D 15) and a ground pin (pin 2 on Sud-D 15).
Stepcraft 420 (version 1) - HXKJ-GS52-400W Air cooled DC spindle - 445nm Blue Laser diode G2
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