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StepCraft 420 machi...
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StepCraft 420 machine I/O

6 Beiträge
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Beiträge: 1
New Member

Hello to all,

Probably the answer to my question already exists in this forum but since we do not speak any German I cannot locate the topic.
I want to control my Proxxon and my vaccum cleaner using the relay outputs available on SUB D-15 connector. I'd like to ask the following questions :
- Is there any output already assigned to on/off the spindle ?
- What kind of output is ? TTL, O.C, O.D ? What is its current and voltage rating ?
- How can I assign relay outputs to M functions ? Are there any preassigned ?

And two more questions a little bit off topic:

How much should we tighten the ballscrew nut holding screw (M6x8) in order to let the adjust screw to work ?
Is there any rule of thumb ? If it is tight, tolerance cannot be adjusted, if it is loose, will loosen more with time giving axial play. Am I missing something ?

Is there any way to adjust the backlash within WinPC-NC USB Full ?

Thanks in advance

Angelo Brousalis
Invibit LTD

Veröffentlicht : 17/05/2014 10:57 am
Beiträge: 992
Noble Member

Hi Angelo - welcome in the Forum!

Is there any way to adjust the backlash within WinPC-NC USB Full ?

I'm not sure - you are talking about the reverse play in the xyz axes? Have you seen the Screenshot from our Forum member sswjs regarding the WinPC-NC Software? Reverse play is called in German: "Umkehrspiel". Link

It's not only about tools it's also about skills! 😉

Veröffentlicht : 17/05/2014 9:09 pm
Jörg Schnitzer
Beiträge: 175
Estimable Member

Hi Angelo,

Worldhusky is absolutely right - backlash is "Umkehrspiel" in german. There were several threads about this topic in the forum, just use the "Suche" 😉 (search function).

About the 15-pin SUB-D connector (called X2 in the "Anschlussplan"):
1. Yes, pin 13 on X2 (Relais/relay 1) controls the spindle.
2. All outputs are TTL, 5V and driven by a 74xx241xxxx. If you need the correct xxxxxx, I have to ask you to wait a few days until I'm back home. You can check out my schematics in this thread for a relay version. As this was a conversion of a remote controlled switch, I would recommend solid-state-relays instead. But make sure to take the disable signal (X2 pin 11) into account which goes high if the emergency stop is hit to immediately stop the spindle.
3. All outputs are software controllable, but as I'm not using WinPC NC anymore, I can't help you any further. You might contact the WinPC NC support (, info@...) directly.

Hope this helps,


Veröffentlicht : 18/05/2014 10:24 am
Beiträge: 8
Active Member

Hello, I've used your schematic and it works very well

Thank you for share your knowledge.


SC840, Dremel Pro.398, winpc-NC USB

Veröffentlicht : 10/01/2017 2:40 pm
Roy Rathner
Beiträge: 358
Reputable Member


Dsub 15 Pin13 is relay1 which is usually used for the spindle on/of
Pin7 iss the PWM for the spindle speed
Pin6 is relay2
Pin14 is relay3

Relay1 can be controlled by the GCode M3 (right direction) and M4 (left direction) and Sxxx would give the speed which will handle the PWM signal on Pin7
M5 is switching off the spindle

Relay2 and Relay3 are controlled /switched on by M7 and M8, not sure right now which relay to M7 or M8, just try)
M9 is switching of both, relay 2 and 3.

With the solid state relay as shown above, pls. be aware that it only switches one pole and not both!



SC 600/2; SolidWorks; UCCnC und UC100; EstlCam und Arduino Steuerung; KRESS 800kfme;

Veröffentlicht : 10/01/2017 6:36 pm
Beiträge: 8
Active Member

Thanks for the warning, but I just replaced the original Dremel switch with the relay, I'm not using PWM because my Dremel model allows you to adjust the speed with 2 buttons and display it on the display. I'll keep it in mind when switching to a better spindle and probably use this circuit just to activate the vacuum cleaner.


SC840, Dremel Pro.398, winpc-NC USB

Veröffentlicht : 18/01/2017 11:08 pm