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Customer wants thei...
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Customer wants their services on hold

1 Beiträge
1 Benutzer
136 Ansichten
Beiträge: 16
Eminent Member


Basically, I provide a pay monthly web design service, where the customer pays for their website over a 12 months period. They have signed a contract with me.

I have a customer who is currently claiming that they have a medical emergency abroad (of course no one will ever know if that's true or not). They said I can take the website down and they will be back in a few months. So basically they don't want to start paying until there back as their business will not be operating.

I have made their website and is currently published. I have been very polite to the customer and have just said we will need to set a date for the payments to start again. They said there not sure exactly when there back and they're starting to get a bit funny with me.
I am just wondering where I stand with this and what you would do.

For more details: video marketing

Veröffentlicht : 21/11/2017 1:29 pm