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First workpiece ......
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First workpiece ... nice !

1 Beiträge
1 Benutzer
3,829 Ansichten
Beiträge: 4
Active Member


For the interested, I made a first test-piece today after assembling the 600 ...
The parts are to be used in a multicopter, and are made of 1.4mm GFK material.
I used the 1mm end-mill Spiral (downcut), 5mm/s feed (both infeed & xy), 1mm cut
per pass, and used a 3mm PVC-foam (forex) plate as support.
Holding tabs were set to 2mm wide, 1mm deep ...
RPM set to 80% (manual setting of the HV Spindle control)

The plate was glued to the PVC with strips of Aslan double-sided foil (works very well,
almost too well), and the pvc/plate was then glued with the same foil in a DIY water-bath
made of acrylic sheet & some 20mm aluminium L-profile ..

Despite of the problem I had with spindle control (see previous topic) the cutting worked fine,
with the result somehow exceeding my expectations (which is always better than the
other way around :))

Short video and some pictures



Veröffentlicht : 07/12/2014 6:33 pm