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5mmo - Your Best Online Friend For Star Trek Online Energy Credits

1 Beiträge
1 Benutzer
65 Ansichten
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buy Star Trek Online Energy Credits Good news for fans who use Xbox One and Playstation 4; Star Trek Online: Season 14.5 is now available on both.bringing the new episode “The Renegade’s Regret” with it.

“In one of the most unique episodes in the history of STO ‘The Renegade’s Regret,’ you’ll be put in the shoes of Neth Par as she describes the history of the Tzenkethi Crusade from her perspective and what eventually led her to betray her own people,” executive producer Stephen Ricossa writers on the Star Trek Online blog. “Captains will be revisiting worlds they saw in earlier episodes but from a new point of view buy STO Energy Credits and witnessing the Tzenkethi genocide first hand.

“We’re incredibly excited for everyone to discover the origin behind the reveals in our anniversary episode ‘Scylla and Charybdis’ and prepare for the incredible story we have planned for Victory is Life this summer. This is a truly unique experience for Star Trek Online and I can’t wait to see everyone in game!”

Welcome to our website to buy Star Trek Online Energy Credits at

Veröffentlicht : 11/06/2018 5:54 am