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Can I run a D420 at reduced velocity, will it cause any problems?

1 Beiträge
1 Benutzer
1,496 Ansichten
Beiträge: 4
Active Member

I have spent the last few days stripping down and rebuilding my 2nd Gen D420 to try and get the Y-Axis to run at 100% jog speed,
However no matter what I do it binds and skips at anything over 40%.
I have found that if I change the Velocity from 2600 (the default) to 500 it runs smoothly and works fine.

So my question is, other than it taking longer to process a job, are there any disadvantages to running it with a velocity of 500?

I am a hobby woodworker so my time is my own and I can live with it taking longer to finish a job.
What I cant live with is it binding and skipping and ruining the work.
I have followed several videos from Stepcraft, Stepcraft US and Stoney CNC detailing how to set the machine up but I cant get it to work at !00% so am happy to live with it at a setting of 500, if there are no other issues.

Thanks for any help you can give.

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Veröffentlicht : 23/10/2022 10:58 pm