Whats the best spindle?
Hello all, I am currently trying to spec up a D series 840 and am wondering what is the best spindle option to go for with the easiest operation
I would like to have the option to have a tool changer and a speed controller and the options are all a little confusing on the site
So it would be one of these
What are the differences between the different names? its not very clear (FME-P or FME-1-DI)
I will be milling a wide range of materials up to aluminium so really want to get the correct spindle
any help would be great including links to previous posts on this subject
Hello Viken
In my opinion the Kress 1050 FME milling motor is the best spindle!
I have been using it for about 4 years without any problems.
The milling motor is a bit noisy, especially at high speeds, but it has the best price-performance ratio.
By the way, the speed can be controlled.
Another advantage is the excellent concentricity of the collet chuck and the milling cutter.
Greetings cygnus
Stepcraft 420/2 mit WinPcNc-USB, Kress 1050, QCAD, Estlcam Bedenke, dass auch ein Tritt in den Hintern einen Schritt vorwärts bedeuten kann.
Thanks cygnus, that will be the one we go for then
Hello Viken,
I try to explain,
"What are the differences between the different names? its not very clear (FME-P or FME-1-DI)"
Both are Kress or Kress related spindels of the FME serie and both have 1050 Watt power.
The "P" stands for the collet size in this case a the collet standard of ER-16, you can use any collet of this series to mach your milling bit max dia is 10 mm.
the 1D has a tool change module attached for the ATC and has a collet standard of ER-11, so any collet of this series can be used max dia is 7 mm (this is shaft diameter of course).
Both machines are very good and stable.
Just remember that for the ATC you need an AirCompressor and a pressure of 4-6 bar to operate the ATC
good luck
SC 1/420 + Gantry extension, Kress 1050 FME-P, NeJe 20W Laser, WinPC-NC USB v4.00, Vectric Aspire 9, SolidWorks 2021
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