Problems building SC2 420
I finished building my SC2 420.
During the build i noticed that after glueing the bearing on the X motor and attaching the brass tube that the motor does not turn smoothly if i appy pressure like the manual indicates.
This led to the stuck of the X axis. Only when i loosen the screws completely, then the X axis moves.
I tried everything to avail.
Please help.
Thank you

Glued? with glue???
Stepcraft 2 840
Kress 800 FME
V-Carve + QCad
Yes. With Superglue. Exactly as the manual indicates.
See attached photos from the manual.
Also - 1) All stop switches does not work. 2) extra grounding cable with no reference in the manual what to do with it.
I regret buying this machine. its basically impossible to assemble.
The spindle is too long. Not your fault. I had the same issue!! yuppie cost of sending it back 🙁
Yes. With Superglue. Exactly as the manual indicates.
See attached photos from the manual.
Also - 1) All stop switches does not work. 2) extra grounding cable with no reference in the manual what to do with it.
I regret buying this machine. its basically impossible to assemble.
I did a similar thing and got some super glue on the bearing, undo the brass nut and leadscrew and run the motor to see if it loosens up. i dont think you need to use any glue on the bearings anyway.
Have you put in the profile for the 420? and enable soft limits in the soFtware for the limit switches.
As for the ground cable attach it to the bottom of the machine with one of the screws holding the bottom plate and plug it in a spare wall socket.
did you had the exact issue? did stepcraft fix this and how?
Thanks for your help and input
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