I am am a new one here.
Recently purchased D600 with AMB1050.
At the firs run i ran the spindle at 15000rpm with no real tool, and no real work on it for 5-7 minutes.
I noticed that the spindle clamping surface become noticeably hot during that time.
The sound seems to be ok, have no reference to compare with.
There is a light heating plastics smell int he air.
I just wander what will happen when some tool and real load will be applied to it?
Should i be concerned about it and apply for a warranty??

Did you read the manual? Is there something written about a "run in"? Some spindles require a run in before first usage. That would probably include some procedure to follow ... for example run it for 10 min. @ 5000 rpm, then increase ...
Did you search the web? AMB is not only sold with SC machines. If this is a common problem you should find something already.
Can't help with details, as I don't have this Spindle. But better to hear some more ideas than nothing.
SC 420 mit DIY parallel + Proxxon mit Mod + HF500 + SprintLayout + LibreCAD/QCAD + FreeCAD +WinPC starter/USB->EstlCAM + EstlCAM LPTAdapter + EstlCAM Handrad + DIY Vakuumtisch
Gruß, Andreas
Nothing is mentioned in the manual about "run-in"
I just wander what level of the temperature is normal for this kind of situation?

Well ... then hot might be a little bit too unspecific. Hot like glowing hot? Hot like "you can't touch it hot" or hot like you can touch it and keep touching it, but it feels hot? Would be better to have a temperature.
If you can keep touching it, I would not worry too much. Maybe have an eye on it for the first usages, if it get's hotter then it might be an issue. If you can't touch it, it would be better to really have a concrete temperature.
Not sure if it is a good question to ask someone who seems to be unexperienced, but do you also have some bad feeling about the sound it makes?
The reason for too much heat can be a broken ball bearing. Most likely this would also create an "unhealthy" sound.
SC 420 mit DIY parallel + Proxxon mit Mod + HF500 + SprintLayout + LibreCAD/QCAD + FreeCAD +WinPC starter/USB->EstlCAM + EstlCAM LPTAdapter + EstlCAM Handrad + DIY Vakuumtisch
Gruß, Andreas
Well. Thanks.
Numbers always make more sense.
So temperature rises to 36-48 and stays like that. Tryed for few hours, measures with non contact thermometer. Seams it is not so bad and probbably totaly normal. Too much of a panic...
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