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Stepcraft S420 Dust...
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Stepcraft S420 Dust Shoe

1 Beiträge
1 Benutzer
2,662 Ansichten
Beiträge: 9
Active Member

I have been making some trials to test out a dust shoe that I 3D printed using files from thingiverse.

The dust shoe did a great job of removing the chips and dust but it adversely affected the finish at the bottom of the pocketed areas.

I was milling ply with a 1/8" end mill and did back to back test with and without the dust shoe.

I would post a photo if I could figure out how.

I wondered if anyone else has experienced similar problems?

I need a good dust shoe solution, but can't bring myself to pay £180 for the delta shoe.

Stepcraft S420
VCarve Desktop v10

Veröffentlicht : 15/09/2019 10:05 pm