D-Series Performance Kit
Hi, have just finished installing the new Performance Kit on my D-600/2. Kit came from Stepcraft Germany. The kit has everything needed, but when taking off the old set up some of the items are re used, the original belt sytem is TOTALLY replaced including the stepper motor.
All went well, also gave the machine a good clean and alignment check. Have test run at 5500, went very smoothly. Will be doing some test cutting later this week.
Would like to thank Thomas Kettler-Semmier for his help with how to run the reset/continue routine. With the new kit, if the machine looses steps (both Y axis spindles go out of synchronisation), the unit stops, you then run a routine which re-aligns the azis and then carry on from where it had stopped.
This is because you fit a new end plate holding TWO Stepper Motors with Hall Sensors, (so each spindle has its own motor with the hall sensors keeping both motors in synchronisation) plus a new curcuit board and new upgraded power supply all in the kit.
Joao Galego has produced a vidoe on the assembly (it is on the Stepcraft Facebook page) which is well worth watching.
SC600/2, Kress 1050, UCCNC with UC100, Cut2D Pro, TurboCAD and Fusion 360
Could you elaborate more on the reset/continue routine?
I've just finished installing the performance upgrade, but whenever i run my machine it moves a few millimeters and then gives me an e-stop error. the only way I've found to resolve the error it is to cycle the e-stop and reset UCCNC, but that doesn't solve the issue.
I think it may be due to the hall sensors, but i haven't been able to find any information on how to synchronize them (either on the forums of stepcraft's website).
Hi, when initially setting up, just make sure both gantry arms are the same distance from the frame, then when gantry is 'Homed', as each arm touches micro switch it stops that motor, so both arms end up in same position, (each motor runs indipendantly, being controlled by its own Hall sensor & Microswitch). This is can be seen on both the Stepcraft Video & the Joao Galego video on the Stepcraft Facebook Page
the hall sensors & circuit board keep track of spindle rotation, as each hall sensor is seeing the magnets in the motor coupling as they pass it, the electronics then adjust motor speed to keep both in synchronization, if one of the spindles goes out of synchronization, unit stops.
I think you need to check the wiring, as if wrong hall sensor connected to motor (ie, Y1 sensor to Y2 motor) it can not work properly, same aplies to the micro switches, also make sure each stepper is connected to correct terminals and wires are in the rigth colour sequence. (the new motors have different colouring and on the circuit board terminals run in different direction in terminal blocks if you start with RED).
Hall sensor connections to the circuit board can easily be connected the wrong way round, there is a temptation to have the plug the same way up on both sets of pins, but one has to be 'upside down' CHECK wire colours against the wiring diagram.
Each micro-switch and EM/Stop button use the two OUTER connections if any wire is connected to the middle connection the system will not work properly. Micro switch wiring (Black/White) do not have a colour preference so not a problem matching color to specific pin.
Using UCCNC and machine stops while running a toolpath (I run my spindle manually no computer connection for On/Off):-
Press EM/switch and release, then click Reset button, then using the RED buttons by 'Home All' individually send each axis home, 'Z', then 'X', then 'Y', this has put the gantry to 'Home' position and re-aligned each Gantry Arm.
Then by clicking 'CYCLE START' gantry will move to the stopped position and carry on.
IMPORTANT - firstly gantry will take shortest route, make sure nothing in the way as will not initially follow toolpath's, also if manually stopped spindle, re-start before cutter (Z axis drops).
To see how it works using UCCNC - run a simple toolpath in 'OFFLINE MODE' and stop machine using 'FEED HOLD', then follow above routine, you will see it work without actually moving the machine.
If gantry is moved to back frame and triggered the microswitches as both gantry arms need moving away from their switches, using 'OVERRIDE LIMITS' gantry can them be moved using UCCNC controls.
SC600/2, Kress 1050, UCCNC with UC100, Cut2D Pro, TurboCAD and Fusion 360
Hi Alan,
As you suggested, I re-checked the wiring. Everything was wired up correctly, but the Y2 sensor was unplugged from its extension cord (it must have pulled out as i was doing cable management in the assembly).
I plugged it back in and put everything back together and it's working fine now.
Now i'm off to clean and grease the axles, set it back in the enclosure, and test it out.
The Hall sensor leads and connectors are standard Radio Control Servo items, the picture shows a clip which holds the plug & socket together, readily available from any good RC equipment supplier, eBay, HobbyKing etc.
Search for:- Servo Connector Clips, Servo Plug Clips.
SC600/2, Kress 1050, UCCNC with UC100, Cut2D Pro, TurboCAD and Fusion 360
May I ask where/what you should reset to increase the available speed having installed the performance kit, please? I thought it might be changing the 'Velocity on the Y axis from the 3000 default up to 4200, but that doesn't seem to make any difference...
I have a 420 and am using UCCNC.
Thanks for your help!
HI, yes you can increase the 'Y' velocity, the reason you may not be getting the increase is because with UCCNC after changing any figures YOU MUST then press ENTER, otherwise it will not except the change and keep the original figure.
SC600/2, Kress 1050, UCCNC with UC100, Cut2D Pro, TurboCAD and Fusion 360
Hi Alan thank you- yes, I did that and made sure it saved. Never mind - it's not the most important feature!
Much appreciated!

I'm getting a D840 this week and want to get started on a table/enclosure. I will be getting the performance upgrade and was wondering how far it sticks out of the machine so I can provide enough space for it.
Hi, I have a 600 but think the stepper unit is the same on all sizes it is just the back plate is different.
From the orange back plate to back of stepper 90 mm (tight) 95 mm would give clearance.
SC600/2, Kress 1050, UCCNC with UC100, Cut2D Pro, TurboCAD and Fusion 360

Thanks Alan. I used a 1220mm board, giving me 1185mm on the insidemofthe cabinet, should fit nicely.
I'm planningto mount the HFcontroller and airpump on small shelves.

I have an inside space of 1185mm, so that should be ok. I'm going to mount the HF controller and compresor on small shelves.
First of all TY for such a thorough response. I wish one of them had worked for me. I've reviewed all my connections and it still times out after an 1/8 to a 1/4 inch. I can get the y axis to both ends of the gantry if I disconnect the sensors. When I reconnect it shuts it down again. Any other thoughts would be greatly appreciated, the belt broke in the middle of a big order, and instead of just ordering a belt I decided to install the performance kit I had setting here. Should have ordered the belt and fiddled with this when I was not on the clock. 🙁
Is there an option to add this to the z axis?
How do you adjust the lead screw nut on the Y1 screw? When the performance kit is installed.
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