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What router to choo...
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What router to choose? AMB (kress) 800/1050 or MM-1000

17 Beiträge
3 Benutzer
8,575 Ansichten
Beiträge: 230
Reputable Member

I use a FME 1050 myself on a SC 1/420 and the machine can cope with it.
Just be gentle with the feed speed and cutting depth, don't overstrech the stepper motors and Y belt.
The router will eat itself in the material no doubt but how harder you puss to the limit of the machine the sooner it gets broken.

I check the tension and play in the machine every 20 working hours, for that reason I have a workinghour counterclock attached to the steppie.
Good maintenance is the way to have much fun of yur steppie.

Have fun

SC 1/420 + Gantry extension, Kress 1050 FME-P, NeJe 20W Laser, WinPC-NC USB v4.00, Vectric Aspire 9, SolidWorks 2021

Veröffentlicht : 29/11/2018 5:18 pm
Beiträge: 39
Eminent Member

I test more here, actually put 2kg on the Z axis, abs no problem, up and down like a dream, my problem was a noise isolating layer under the SC420 there wa'sent 100% level and therefor lockup the axis,, on the level table , it runs perfectly..

Veröffentlicht : 30/11/2018 6:13 pm
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