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Exhaust Adapter HF ...
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Exhaust Adapter HF 350/500 suitable for a Kress?

4 Beiträge
2 Benutzer
4,411 Ansichten
J. den Hertog
Beiträge: 139
Estimable Member

Is the Exhaust Adapter HF 350/500 usable on a Kress 1050?
It seems the base has the same dimension but I wonder if that's enough.

Eurotools-24 G-500 & custom-made aluminium table
Kress 800
TB6560 4V3, UC100, UCCNC

Veröffentlicht : 28/10/2015 3:56 pm
J. den Hertog
Beiträge: 139
Estimable Member

Ok, so nobody tried this out yet?
I've asked for this possibility through the StepCraft web-shop, but I don't get an answer there either.

For almost 70,- Euro without delivery costs, it's not an option to give it a shot easily.

Eurotools-24 G-500 & custom-made aluminium table
Kress 800
TB6560 4V3, UC100, UCCNC

Veröffentlicht : 03/11/2015 1:00 am
Hal Eccles
Beiträge: 77
Estimable Member

Do you mean the dust extraction attachment? If so I have problems with it blocking with MDF, the material I'm mainly using. It certainly is a nicely made bit of kit but I going to make a new dust shoe with a bigger suction inlet. Hope this helps.

SC840, HF500, UCNNC, Vcarve Pro, Turbo Cad

Veröffentlicht : 03/11/2015 1:55 am
J. den Hertog
Beiträge: 139
Estimable Member

Ok, that's good to know!
Thanks for your answer.

Eurotools-24 G-500 & custom-made aluminium table
Kress 800
TB6560 4V3, UC100, UCCNC

Veröffentlicht : 03/11/2015 2:36 pm