Tool Length Sensor
Yesterday I had the pleasure of playing with industrial Shopbot router and part of the set-up procedure you have to set the Z by connecting a metal plate and crock clip to the spindle. The Shopbot post processor then automatically moved the Z until it was set - easy and accurate. Additionally the software also controlled spindle starting and shut-down making it very safe to use.
My question is can this done on the Stepcraft using UCCNC software?
Incidentally I machined my first jobs, although I'm not sure I should post them here!
SC840, HF500, UCNNC, Vcarve Pro, Turbo Cad
At first,
I use Mach3 because UCCNC did not offer any test licence (for working on the machine) where I can test such things.
But as far as I know you can program macros like M31 to set Z-zero.
Look on internet and you will find some macros.
Steppcraft 600/2 + HF500 + SwitchBox + Laser + Schleppmesser
Absaugung und Vakuumtisch
an Mach3 oder UCCNC mit Taster für Z-Null und Werkzeuglänge
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