Parallel Port module with the corresponding back cover?

I did post this question already, but probably in the wrong section of the forum.
Maybe I will swap the USB module for a parallel port version but I wonder if the corresponding back cover comes with it when ordered via StepCraft. It's not mentioned anywhere, but it's a quite important detail it seems to me.
Eurotools-24 G-500 & custom-made aluminium table
Kress 800
TB6560 4V3, UC100, UCCNC

just ask for it, its for less
Seit vierundsechzig Minuten sitzt Peter schon an einem runden Tisch in einem Besprechungszimmer und wartet. Er ist exakt vierundsechzig Minuten schlechter gelaunt als vor vierundsechzig Minuten,
SC600/I - HF500 - WinPC-NC USB + Handrad
ESTLCam - CorelDRAW X7 - Cut3D - SketchUp - LaserCAM

Yeah, I will do that anyway.
I was just curious about eventual experiences of other users.
Eurotools-24 G-500 & custom-made aluminium table
Kress 800
TB6560 4V3, UC100, UCCNC

well I switched from USB to parallel board to use LEWETZ USBnc box and asked SC for a new front cover. with the order of the parallel board they sent it. I´m pretty shure you will get yours aswell
Seit vierundsechzig Minuten sitzt Peter schon an einem runden Tisch in einem Besprechungszimmer und wartet. Er ist exakt vierundsechzig Minuten schlechter gelaunt als vor vierundsechzig Minuten,
SC600/I - HF500 - WinPC-NC USB + Handrad
ESTLCam - CorelDRAW X7 - Cut3D - SketchUp - LaserCAM

That's useful info, thanks! 🙂
Eurotools-24 G-500 & custom-made aluminium table
Kress 800
TB6560 4V3, UC100, UCCNC
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