newbie - inserting the filament into the hose
About to start my first 3d print job, well maybe not yet.
I am trying to insert the 1,75mm pla filament into the supply hose. It turns out to be difficult and I already broke the filament inside the hose while trying to push it through at only 1/3 of the length. And ithe filament moves so painfully inside the hose, how will the filament move when the priting actually starts??
Am I the only one here, do you have any tip? Maybe cutting the hose in 2 equal parts?
Please advise thanks

I think you have not read and understand the instructions or I missunderstand your problem.
If you put out the upper part from the printhead who's fixed the hose and have a look inside the printhead
there you see the transporter (picture). Here you must insert the filament and clamp it that the motor can move it to the hotend of the printhead.
i hope it helps
cheers, Klaus
Heli, Hexakopter,....
WinPC-NC USB, Eigenbau Fräserl mit Mechapro Interface II, Kress FME 1050, Filou.
Zum Zeichen, Fusion 360 ! mit Hobbylizenz. macht Laune 😉
3D-Drucker (Mankati Basis) Dualprint 2x E3D-V6 2x Bondtech Bowdenextruder Simplify3D (SC-Druckkopf)
First of all thanks for the speedy reply.
My problem is not inserting the filament inside the head itself, it is inserting first the filament into and out of the supply hose. On your picture are you using a white filament without any supply hose?
For clarity, here is what I have a hard time doing (excerpted from the manual): "Drag the filament feed hose together with the filament feed line up out of the printing head. Now guide the filament through the hose so that it comes out of the other side of the filament feed line.

i think that i was be to lazy with deleting my previus post who's not talk about your problem.
your picture shows the problem. The filament shold be easy to push into the hose.
have you try it from both sides, i think. Is this the same lenght of filament or the same position in the hose.
cheers Klaus
Heli, Hexakopter,....
WinPC-NC USB, Eigenbau Fräserl mit Mechapro Interface II, Kress FME 1050, Filou.
Zum Zeichen, Fusion 360 ! mit Hobbylizenz. macht Laune 😉
3D-Drucker (Mankati Basis) Dualprint 2x E3D-V6 2x Bondtech Bowdenextruder Simplify3D (SC-Druckkopf)
My hose is 50 cm long. I can easily push the filament for 15cm then it starts being a pain. At 20cm it is almost stuck. Whichever end I choose to insert into.
Maybe 50cm of hose is too much? I was planning on splitting it in 2? Are you really sending your 1,75mm filament smoothly through 50cm? A picture of your system is welcome 🙂

my hose are 50 cm, too
there is no problem to push the filament thru the hose.
The dimensions of my hose are inside 4 mm and 6 mm outside.
Your problem looks like not normal. But i don't know wy
Have a look at the small video
to the video
Heli, Hexakopter,....
WinPC-NC USB, Eigenbau Fräserl mit Mechapro Interface II, Kress FME 1050, Filou.
Zum Zeichen, Fusion 360 ! mit Hobbylizenz. macht Laune 😉
3D-Drucker (Mankati Basis) Dualprint 2x E3D-V6 2x Bondtech Bowdenextruder Simplify3D (SC-Druckkopf)
thank you for your video it is helpful because I see you are using a different hose in fact. In my S2/840 setup I got 2 hoses, a semi opaque one (50cm long) and a transparent one (much longer) that I am currently using for the spindle's air pump. Both have about the same outside diameter, but the transparent one is wider on the inside.
You seem to be using the latter, which is wider indeed, see pictures. The semi opaque is narrower, have been using this one for an other purpose?

I only bought the printhead and the 50 cm long hose from my video was a part of it.
maybe your hose is a newer version or an PTFE variant. But in PTFE the filament slips very easier.
I would ask about it at Stepcraft!
cheers Klaus
Heli, Hexakopter,....
WinPC-NC USB, Eigenbau Fräserl mit Mechapro Interface II, Kress FME 1050, Filou.
Zum Zeichen, Fusion 360 ! mit Hobbylizenz. macht Laune 😉
3D-Drucker (Mankati Basis) Dualprint 2x E3D-V6 2x Bondtech Bowdenextruder Simplify3D (SC-Druckkopf)
in your own practice, do you think 50cm is more than needed?

In my opinion ther is more as we needed.
But my maschine looks like very diferent :woohoo:
Heli, Hexakopter,....
WinPC-NC USB, Eigenbau Fräserl mit Mechapro Interface II, Kress FME 1050, Filou.
Zum Zeichen, Fusion 360 ! mit Hobbylizenz. macht Laune 😉
3D-Drucker (Mankati Basis) Dualprint 2x E3D-V6 2x Bondtech Bowdenextruder Simplify3D (SC-Druckkopf)
I have also stepcraft 2/840 and it came with the 50 cm long semi opaque tube for the filament (Acc. to ISO 7628 - cat.2 - 6x1.5mm - PA 10.12 PHL - LA - 7291 - 14 - 099 - 09:34:53). When I first tried to push the filament through, I could not so I first run my 3D printer head without the tube at all. Then I put the tube so it straightened up, i.e. during the transit it was bended up quite small circle, and that made pushing the filament through very hard. When it straightened up then I could push the filament in. It is not very easy and you quite often need to keep the tube straight before you can do it.
It seems the tube is not slippery at all from the inside (or from outside) and that makes it hard to push filament through. Once you get it through the printer head does not have any problems pulling more of it as needed.
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