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Edge sensors - Advi...
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Edge sensors - Advice?

3 Beiträge
3 Benutzer
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2,461 Ansichten
Beiträge: 1
New Member


We are doing 2-side milling and when we flip our material, we need to be as precise as possible (within 0,3 mm).
I have read that it is possible have edge sensors in order to do this. Do anyone have experience with similar problems and can point us towards the right direction?

Veröffentlicht : 08/03/2022 10:39 am
Ronald Schildbach
Beiträge: 53
Trusted Member

IMHO if you need to flip your material, why don't you use a frame you can flip / turn it inside ? This way you'll keep all the zero's you measured as long as the material is symmetrical o.c.

Man muss mich nicht mögen, aber, man sollte mich respektieren!

Veröffentlicht : 08/03/2022 6:58 pm
Beiträge: 408
Reputable Member

You can do this with positioning holes and pins, see this video.

Veröffentlicht : 09/03/2022 3:34 pm